Spirit Life Ministries is a Family Focused church with Vibrant Worship and Life-changing Teachings
Our weekly schedule
Upcoming Events
07 December 2024
Time: 2 PM
Venue: 35 Cannon Street, Kariega, South Africa.
You Do Not Want To Miss this exciting FEARLESS LADIES CONFERENCE!!
There will be:
– Fun Giveaways!
– Awesome Worship
– A Dress-up – color competition Red and White!!!
– Divine Refreshments
We will have an amazing guest speaker, Prophet Claudia Van Der Merwe who will inspire you into a walk of Fearlessness and Freedom!
Meet our senior pastors:
monto and claudia van der merwe
Their Passion:
Their Passion is to see the Body of Christ healed and restored. As well as people fulfilling their destiny. The move of the Holy Spirit and Manifested presence of God is of paramount importance to them.
Their Gifting:
God has gifted Pastor Monto to preach the Word with revelation knowledge and passion. He also moves very strongly in the Prophetic gifting. The gift of Healing strongly operates through them.
Their Mission:
It is to bring the Lost to Christ. To equip the Believers for the work of the Ministry and to lead God's people in victorious living, through the Power of the Holy Spirit!